
I get it. The amount of information out there is overwhelming. 

With 15 years in publishing and over 20 years in media, I’ve got you covered. Book a consulting session and have my brain at your disposal.

We can chat in person; you can ask all the questions and I can set you back on your path in order to make your book dreams happen.

Prices are in Australian dollars and are GST exclusive. Session rate is for up to 2 hours and session can be utilised via online video chat, in person chat (dependent on geography) or via email.

Tips, tricks and other bits to know

It’s About Time

 It's a strange thing - time. Things always seem to take forever, or it else it all happens too quickly, and never are these two issues more apparent than in the writing world.   I worked in traditional media for a long time - radio, television and then magazine...

A Simple Guide To Publishing

If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, "I'd like to write a book!" I'd be a very wealthy person. In fact, I'd be so rich I wouldn't need to help anyone create their book. As soon as people know you work in publishing in any capacity, they tend to share...